
Crazy like a baby with just one rabie.

It was really hard for me not to name this post "Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't Wealsoran?" But I'm willing to bet you'll lose even less sleep than me over the agonizing decision.

Point is, I made a Muxtape. It has a few jarring transitions, but all the stuff on there is stuff I like a lot and most of it is stuff I've spent a fair amount of time writing about on here. Go ahead and check it out, and then let me know your over/under on Muxtape's sure-to-be-litigious demise. And of course, make your own.


Radiohead get into the remix game...charge for "stems"

In honor of this week's release of "Nude" as a single, Radiohead are making the "stems" (drums, vocals, guitar, bass, strings/fx/misc.) available for your remixing pleasure. But...you have to buy them. All five of them. From iTunes. In iTunes Plus format. What, no FLAC?

Anyway, once you've purchased the song stems, you're free to remix it as you please, and you can create a widget for your Facebook or MySpace page to encourage your friends to vote for your remix. Popular ones end up here, where they awkwardly load forever and don't play, because Radiohead apparently hasn't learned their lesson yet about bandwidth. Ah well.